Grainger offers Tough Guy brand replacement filters for Minuteman vacuums. Below is a cross reference list of Tough Guy part numbers. Click on the Vacline P/N to go to that product page.
Tough Guy P/N Minuteman P/N Vacline P/N
10E079 110030 6286S1 Prefilter Sleeve
10E080 805040 6286B1 Sm Cloth Bag
10E081 805054 6286B2 Lg Cloth Bag
10E082 110039 6286H8 ULPA Filter
10E083 110029 6286H7 ULPA Filter
10E084 110025 6286H10 HEPA Filter
10E085 761177 6286SP Sm Filter Protector
10E086 805038 6286FP Lg Filter Protector
10E087 760598 6286FB Lg Filter Bag
10E088 384003 6286SB Sm Filter Bag